• GMAT FOCUS tests the following three areas:
    1. Quantitative Skills (21 Questions in 45 Minutes)
    2. Verbal Skills (23 Questions in 45 Minutes)
    3. Data Insights Skills (20 Questions in 45 Minutes)
    → You can take the test in any order
    → All three Sections carry equal weights measured in Scaled Scores
    → All Scaled Scores are in 1 Point Increments
    → Maximum Over all Score is 805
    → Minimum Over all Score is 205

  • GMAT FOCUS Quantitative tests only MCQs which consists only Problem Solving Questions
    → It does not test Geometry
    → Maximum Scaled Score is 90
    → Minimum Scaled Score is 60

  • GMAT FOCUS Verbal consists:
    1. Reading Comprehension
    2. Critical Reasoning Skills
    → It does not test Sentence Correction
    → It removed Essay Writing
    → Maximum Scaled Score is 90
    → Minimum Scaled Score is 60

  • GMAT FOCUS added Data Insights which emphasizes Finding Trends and Making Inferences
    Data Insights consists of the following 5 parts
    1. Data Sufficiency
    2. Multi-Source Reasoning
    3. Table Analysis
    4. Graphical Interpretation
    5. Two-Part Analysis
    → Maximum Scaled Score is 90
    → Minimum Scaled Score is 60

  • EA tests the following three areas:
    1. Analytical Writing (AW)
    2. Verbal Reasoning (VR)
    3. Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
    Order of taking the test:
    1. AW – VR – QR
    2. AW – QR – VR
    → Total Mnimum GRE Score 260 (1 point increment)
    → Total Maximum GRE Score 340
    → No 10 minutes Breaks as in Old GRE

  • This section is designed to test your ability to articulate and support complex ideas and Construct Arguments
    → One need to “Analyze an Issue” task in 30 Minutes
    → Minimum GRE Score 0 (1 point increment)
    → Maximum GRE Score 6

  • VR tests/Ability to Analyze:
    1. Analyze and draw conclusions from discourse
    2. Reason from incomplete data
    3. Identify author’s assumptions and/or perspective
    4. Understand multiple levels of meaning such as literal
    5. Figurative and author’s intent
    → Verbal Section 1 contains 12 Questions
    → Verbal Section 2 contains 15 Questions
    → Verbal Section 1 and 2 in 41 Minutes
    → Minimum GRE Score 130 (1 point increment)
    → Maximum GRE Score 170

  • Quantitative Reasoning tests:
    1. Basic mathematical skills
    2. Understanding of elementary mathematical concepts
    3. Ability to reason quantitatively and to model and solve problems with quantitative methods
    → Quant Section 1 contains 12 Questions
    → Quant Section 2 contains 15 Questions
    → Quant Section 1 and 2 in 47 Minutes
    → Minimum GRE Score 130 (1 point increment)
    → Maximum GRE Score 170

  • EA test is meant for EMBA students who are working and do not have much time for preparation.
    EA tests the following three areas:
    1. Integrated Reasoning(IR): 12 Questions in 30 Minutes
    2. Verbal Reasoning (VR): 14 Questions in 30 Minutes
    3. Quantitative Reasong(QR): 14 Questions in 30 Minutes
    → All Scaled Scores are in 1 Point Increments
    → Maximum Over all score is 174 (Maximum possible 200)
    → MInimum Over all Score is 126 (Starts at 100)

  • → IR 1st Half consists of 6 Questions with Medium Difficulty
    → IR 2nd Half consists of 6 Questions with Difficulty Level depends on the performance of 1st Half
    → Maximum Scaled Score is 20
    → Minimum Scaled Score is 0

  • → Verbal 1st Half consists of 7 Questions with Medium Difficulty
    → Verbal 2nd Half consists of 7 Questions with Difficulty Level depends on the performance of 1st Half
    → Maximum Scaled Score is 20
    → Minimum Scaled Score is 0

  • → Quant 1st Half consists of 7 Questions with Medium Difficulty
    → Quant 2nd Half consists of 7 Questions with Difficulty Level depends on the performance of 1st Half
    → Maximum Scaled Score is 20
    → Minimum Scaled Score is 0

  • GMAT tests the following four areas:
    1. Verbal Reasonong (VR)
    2. Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
    3. Integrated Reasoning
    4. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
    Order of taking the Test:
    1. AWA – IR – QR – VR
    2. VR – QR – IR – AWA
    3. QR – VR – IR – AWA
    → Total Minimum GMAT Score 200 (10 point increnents)
    → Total Maximum GMAT Score 800

  • Verbal Test the followng sections:
    1. Reading Comprehension
    2. Critical Reasoning
    3. Sentence Correction
    → Minimum GMAT Scaled Score 27 ( 1 point increments)
    → Maximum GMAT Scaled Score 51
    → Verbal consists of 36 Questions in 65 Minutes

  • Quant Test the followng sections:
    1. Problem Solving
    2. Data Sufficiency
    → Minimum GMAT Scaled Score 27 ( 1 point increments)
    → Maximum GMAT Scaled Score 51
    → Quant consists of 31 Questions in 62 Minutes

  • IR Test the followng parts:
    1. Multi-Source Reasoning
    2. Table Analysis
    3. Graphical Interpretation
    4. Two-Part Analysis
    → Minimum GMAT Scaled Score 1 ( 1 point incements)
    → Maximum GMAT Scaled Score 8
    → IR consists of 12 Questions in 30 Minutes

  • The Analytical Writing section consists of one writing task—Analysis of an Argument.
    The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section, consisting of one 30-minute essay, measures the test taker’s ability to formulate an appropriate and constructive critique of a specific conclusion based on a specific line of thinking.
    → Minimum GMAT Scaled Score 0 ( 0.5 point increments)
    → Maximum GMAT Scaled Score 6
    → AWA consists of 1 Question in 30 Minutes

  • → It is an Adaptive Test in Two Hours Duration
    It consists of the below sections:
    1. Reading and Writing
    2. Test Critical Thinking
    3. Math
    → Can use calculator through out the exam
    → Total Score 400 – 1600

  • → Shorter Passages 25 to 150 words
    → Reading and Writing Section 1 consists 27 Questions in 34 Minutes
    → Reading and Writing Section 2 consists 27 Questions in 34 Minutes
    → Reading and Writing – Score 200 to 800

  • → One Question for each passage of the below topics:
    a. Textual Evidence
    b. Inference
    c. Thetorical Synthesis

  • → Math Section 1 consists 27 Questions in 34 Minutes
    → Math Section 2 consists 27 Questions in 34 Minutes
    → Multiple Choice and Written Answers – No grid in
    → Math Section – Score 200 to 800

  • → Blue Book Application
    → Barrons Digital SAT Study Guide Premium

  • It consists of Four Multiple Choice Sections
    a. English
    b. Math
    c. Reading
    d. Science
    e. Writing (Optional)
    → ACT Composite Score – 1 to 36 (increments of 1)
    → ACT Numerical Class Grade – 0 to 100
    → Letter Class Grade – F, D, C-, C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+

  • ACT Composite Score Numerical Class Grade Letter Class Grade
    28 to 36 97.4 to 100 A+
    24 to 27 93.5 to 96.6 A
    22 to 23 90.6 to 92.1 A-
    20 to 21 87.2 to 88.9 B+
    18 to 19 83.7 to 85.5 B
    17 81.5 B-
    16 78.7 C+
    15 75.5 C
    14 71.6 C-
    13 64.1 D
    1 to 12 0 to 45.1 F